Introduction to Web and Html

A website is a collection of static files such as HTML pages, images, graphics etc. The example of web applications is facebook, google, twitter. web consists of billions of clients and server connected through wires and wireless networks. HTTP HTTP is a protocal that clients and servers use on the web to communicate.

Introduction of HTML

HTML stand for hypertext markup language. It is used to design webpages using a markup
language. HTML is a markup language used by the browser to mainpulate text, images and other content in order to display it in the required format. HTML was created by Tim Berners lee in 1991. The first ever version of HTML was HTML 1.0 but the first standard version was HTML 2.0 publishted in 1995. The HTML consists of various tags and element. For example : P tag There are so many features of HTML.

  • It is easy to learn and easy to use.
  • It is independent platform.


A server is a computer program or device that provides a service. the term server can refer to physical machine. a virtual machine. or to software that is performing sever services. Advantages of server

  • Centralized user accounts, security, and access controls simplify network administration.

Types of server

  • Application server

  • file and Print server

  • Mail server

  • web server

  • Data Base server

what is Apache

Apache is the most widely used webserver software and runs on 67% of all websites in the world. Developed and maintained by apache software Foundation. Apache is open source software and available for free. It's fast, reliable, and secure. and apache can be highly customized to meet the needs of many different environments by using extensions and modules. Apache is not any physical server. it is software that executes on the server.

HTML tag


It defines headings for an HTML document. It is used for headings of web pages.


For display images on our webpage we use this tag. we add different images using this tag.


This tag is used for paragraph element. we use this to write paragraphs on our webpage. lorem is just placeholder text and is doesn't mean anything.